At the time of admission Guardian has to pay:
(1) Tutor allotment charge
(2) Security Deposit
(1) Tutor allotment charge
Rs. 700 per tutor up-to Class X
Rs. 1000 per tutor Class XI-XII
(2) Security Deposit
Tuition fees for 1 Month
(Non-refundable i.e.; Last month Tuition fees)
Guardian is not required to pay tuition fees to the Tutor for Last month. We will pay last month fees to tutor from Security deposit.
We create separate Enrollment Number for each tutor allotment. After adjustment of security deposit Enrollment Number will be closed forever.
Fees is payable to Gyandarshan Edusolutions Private Limited (OPC) for providing home tuition service and applicable for finding a teacher in your locality or the nearby area.
Kindly visit our office for Admission.
Student Online Admission/Registration Link:
Make your online payment by clicking the following Link: